Saturday 20 April 2013


 This is a tarantula (My friend has a tarantula and she told me that its bite is not worse than a bee's)

Saturday 23 March 2013

Friday 22 February 2013

About earthworms

If you dig up some soil you might fin something wriggly in the soil.
Its a worm or earthworm

Earthworms are actually Girl AND Boy at the same time!
Earthworms are food to animals like toads birds and rats. 
The scientific name for earthworm is Lumbricus terrestris. Earth worms don't have a internal skeleton made of bone.

Most earthworms live up to only 6 years. Earthworms are herbivores they eat root leaves and soil.

Many people believe that if a worm is cut in half, the two pieces will grow into full-size worms. This is not true. (though I taught it was true) but it happens to starfis

Lots of Credit 2 national Geographic!!!

Earth Worms

This is a picture of an earthworm

Tuesday 19 February 2013

About Bottlenose dolphin

Some people think that dolphins are fish... but the truth is they are actually  mammals! They           breath air just like we do and when the babies are born they drink milk from their mothers body!     they breath air just like we do so whenever they need some air they jump out of the ocean and dive back in.                                                                                                                                                      
They are called bottle noses because their beaks are shaped like bottles.                                          
The scientific family name for dolphin is actually Delphinidae.                                                             
The scientific name for Bottlenose dolphin is Tursiops truncates.                                                        
The largest dolphin is actually the killer whale. Male dolphins are actually larger than female          dolphins and can be as long as 4 METERS long and can weigh up 2  A THOUSAND POUNDS!     
Dolphins have little sense of  smell and sometimes none at all! But there sense of hearing is            roughly 100% perfect. And they have 100% eyesight aswell.                                                              
Females gave birth every 2 or 3 years. The calves are born tail first so that they don't sink.            
Bottlenose dolphins swim in groups called pods. A pod usually has a dozen or so animals.                
It is important to remember that bottlenose dolphins can be unpredictable and aggressive—to          each other and to humans. They must be respected as the wild and beautiful animals they are.       

(Credit 2 National Geographic) 

Bottlenose dolphin

This is a picture of a bottlenose dolphin

About Mexican axolotl

A Mexican axolotl is a rare animal that lives in Mexico it is an amphibian. They live in lake complex of Xochimilco pronounced (SO-chee-Mill-Koh) Scientists call a Mexican axolotl Ambystoma mexicanum.

Mexican axolotl can live up to 15 years of age.
Mexican axolotl eat worms, crustaceans, insect larvae, mollusks and some fish.
Axolotls grow to a foot (30 centimeters) in length, although the average is closer to 6 inches (15 centimeters). They weigh from 2.11 to 8 ounces (60 to 227 grams).

(Lots of credit 2 National Geographic)

Monday 18 February 2013

Mexican axolotl

 This is what a Mexican axolotl looks like
In this blog were going 2 be learning about animals and looking at lots of pictures


 this is just a pic of different animals around the world